Category: Covid-19 Update
We did it!

Note: this is an amazon afilliate link. If you purchase through this link, a bit comes back to help our studio. Thank you!
FAQ: How are you adapting for Covid-19 for In-Person classes?
☀️Coming out of a pandemic (slowly) is unchartered territory for all of us. Here at Grow and Sing Studios, our number one priority is the safety of the children who attend our classes. Our Kindermusik program serves babies through age 7, and since children aren’t able to be vaccinated yet we will continue to take precautions until risk is lower.
👍This picture is a fantastic example of how we are adapting without compromising the fun and learning. In class, each family has their own blanket area. All blankets are spaced out for some distancing. Instead of passing out and collecting instruments throughout class, each family has as bin of sanitized instruments and props ready to go when they arrive that they can use for the duration of class. Everything is then sanitized after class. Parents are required to wear masks in class, and for children it is optional. Parents are encouraged to choose what is best for their child and family.
🔗If you are considering a music and movement class, but are concerned about Covid-19 risks, we hope you’ll review our adaptations and perhaps you’ll find that our studio is the right fit for your family. You can learn more about our Covid-19 strategy at We are here to help in any way we can, and answer your questions. Feel free to contact us at 407-970-2774 (through WhatsAPP at the same number), or email .
Learn more at Celebrating 16 years in Central Florida.
🎵We hope to welcome your family into class soon.
Thank a {music} teacher!
🎵This year has been anything but typical. Teaching isn’t always the easiest job in the world but it’s definitely one of the most rewarding. We, the teachers here at Grow and Sing Studios are so incredibly passionate about educating not only young children but their entire families. Sharing how music affects minds and bodies is what we love to do! We have always known that bringing families together through music is a gift like none other, but this year we learned it can be taught in MANY different ways, through many different mediums.
🎵Our team isn’t the only one that pivoted, and adapted to make the learning happen. Each and every teacher in the world has done that! But we couldn’t let this Teacher Appreciation Week go by without a HUGE shout out to team Grow and Sing for not only making it through this challenging year, but STAYING COMPLETELY TOGETHER AS A TEAM! Our team that we had in 2020 is our same team we have here in 2021. That took passion and teamwork from each and every teacher here at our studio. Now THAT is the definition of perseverance, dedication, teamwork and accomplishment.
Lisa Petko
Angelyn Rhode
Marisol LaBoy
Kristen Bozard
Holly Lesnick
Will Lesnick
Aiden Amato
and a big thank you to Jasmin Vilca for volunteering her time!
🎵As we head into our 16th Summer of Music, we want to send our endless appreciation and gratitude to our Grow and Sing Studios families. Thank you for believing in us! Oh and thank you for your flexibility with our pivots!
~Team Grow and Sing Studios
#ThankATeacher #musicteachers #kindermusik #teacherappreciationday #teacherappreciationday2021 #teacherappreciation
Message from Ms. Holly + Happy Thanksgiving!
Greetings! I want to start by letting you know that practicing gratitude is scientifically proven to increase happiness by 25%. Simply by finding things (even the little things) and stating you are grateful will help you be happy. Not only that, but practicing gratitude also:
I wanted to start this blog post off with that bit of information because Thanksgiving is truly my favorite holiday. Why? Because it reminds us to practice gratitude, which is something we should do each and every day of the year.
It’s been a really rough year. We all know it and we all feel it. However, there are so many blessings, even small ones, that we can feel gratitude for.
Personally, I have had a life filled with a lot of loss. My father passed away when I was four years old of Leukemia. My adopted father passed away when I was in college from a scuba diving accident. It would have been very easy to give up even back then. To NOT have gratitude. To just be sad and dwell on what wasn’t good. I’m not going to pretend that every day was happy. I had some bad ones. BUT, in the journey of losing two very important people in my life, I realized even as a young child and then reminded as a young adult how GRATEFUL I am for the days I got to spend with them. I KNOW that there are SO many people in the world right now working through this same realization. Whether it’s loss of loved ones, friends, or even a job they loved. I send you love and peace as you work towards the gratitude for the time you had.
Throughout this pandemic, which has now been 9 months long and really scary, I’ve had to go back to that space of gratitude. I’ve had to be intentional each day when I wake up. To look around, take in a breath, and be grateful for another day. Another day filled with breathing, music, laughter, children, nature, animals, amazing co-workers, and yes, binge worthy television (whew thank goodness for Netflix!).
If you are reading this, I want to say THANK YOU. If you are reading this, you are somehow tied into the incredible musical community we have created at Grow and Sing Studios, or tied into me personally. It hasn’t been easy keeping our studio going over the last 9 months and it would be SO easy to find the bad things and dwell on that. However, instead, we are currently serving over 100 students between our Kindermusik classes and private lessons and classes. Now that is something to celebrate and be grateful for!!
THANK YOU for believing in us.
THANK YOU for making music with us.
THANK YOU for being in my world.
Happy Thanksgiving!
With gratitude,
Holly Lesnick, Owner/Director
Grow and Sing Studios
😞Feeling stressed? Let us help!
My biggest challenge yet…
Hi there, I’m Holly, founder, owner and director here at Grow and Sing Studios. 15 years ago, when my son was 6 weeks old, I created my studio which offered a very simple TWO Kindermusik classes per week total. I had previously taught Kindermusik and worked as a music therapist but had been on a break to have my second child.
I began my Kindermusik journey because I yearned for connections with other parents. I discovered Kindermusik through my first passion, music therapy, and it seemed like the obvious fit because Kindermusik is about how music affects a child’s development. I found Kindermusik to be a happy, smiley, positive place, and I wanted to create that for as many families as I could.
Even during the 2008 recession, Grow and Sing Studios thrived. It not only thrived, but won awards. Lots of awards. Through the years, I’ve added various classes, a wonderful staff, birthday parties, piano lessons, voice lessons… frankly, the list is VERY long because not all things I tried stuck.
Yet, throughout it all, the goal was simple.
Though I’m not sure I saw it for a long time. On the surface it was to have a career and support my family. I wanted to be the best I could be in my field. But it was also to make music and inspire my own children. However, it took many years to realize that the ultimate goal was to help inspire laughter, smiles, and connections.
So, I finally figured it out. It’s the constant Kindermusik joy guarantee in a life full of variables.
And boy has 2020 thrown us some major life variables!
I am always trying new things, testing the waters, figuring things out. Due to Covid-19, I’ve had to think WAY outside the box so that the laughter, smiles and connections didn’t stop.
That is where our Kindermusik Virtual program comes in. Back in March, I had NO idea what I was going to do. I had to take a step back, breathe, and remember that the ultimate goal was to create joy through music. Thankfully, we have an incredibly talented and DEVOTED team of teachers who were ready to try anything I put in front of them.
Our Kindermusik Virtual program has been a complete success over the past several months. A community of families from ALL OVER have embraced this new way to learn with their young children. I can’t express enough how heartwarming it is to witness! Friendships are being made between parents, between children, and even closer connections are forming between our teachers.
I’m starting to realize that if you can find a constant that makes you the happiest, you WILL succeed even in the middle of a pandemic. So, I finally figured it out. HAPPINESS is my dream. LAUGHTER is what I long for. CONNECTIONS are what I strive to create each and every day.
Mission accomplished.
So, what’s your story? I’d love to know more about YOU!
May your day bring you much happiness, peace, and many giggles.
Thanks for reading.
Love, Holly
A heartfelt COVID-19 update from Holly & Will
October 5, 2020
Hello Families,
We want to check in with you, our community, to update and assure you that we are continuing to take the health and well-being of our community, customers, and teachers very seriously.
We miss seeing you in the classroom, we really do. We feel it’s important to take a moment in an open and honest way, to discuss as a studio where we are coming from as of today. There are 2 strong aspects that have us continuing on in a virtual setting.
- As you most likely know, our classes are group interactive classes with babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Typically these classes are held in a room, with various props and instruments. When, for example, 6 children are enrolled, it means that at the very least 13 people are in the room because of course our classes include loving caregivers. We know that you, the adults, can remain socially distanced with masks on. However, it’s virtually impossible to require these things of your children. Babies and toddlers naturally explore by putting objects in their mouths. They want hugs and they want to explore with all their senses including touch. When we do return back, we’ll have to consider this aspect so everyone is safe.
- The other aspect is our reality as a small Kindermusik business. Without of course getting into all of the ins and outs of running a studio, we hope we can help you, our community, understand our challenges. Typically for a class to run we have to pay our rental fee and our teacher fee. In addition to those, there are administrative fees, insurance, and operating costs. If we were to hold a class at half capacity which is 6 children, we are actually losing money to hold the class. We typically do that because we have faith the class will grow over time. But in this scenario, there is no room safety wise for class growth. As a very small local family owned business, we just don’t have that money to spend in this covid climate. To hold a class past break even would essentially put a large group of people together in too small of a space which compromises safety. For example, 8 children, would be 17 people in the classroom… you get the idea.
As of right now, due to those main reasons, we must continue virtually. As the weather becomes a bit more dependable, and not quite so hot and rainy, we are considering offering some programming outdoors which could eliminate rental fees. We are currently brainstorming that idea.
Here’s the thing though. We’re having a BLAST with our families via our online classes! Our Kindermusik Virtual+ program is NOT a lesser program, but simply a different one. Consider this. For now, instead of enrolling and paying for 1 class per week, you are enrolling and paying for 12 classes you can come in and out of at your leisure throughout the week. We know it’s not the same. We totally do. BUT, we do know (because parents are telling us) that children are learning from our program. Laughter, smiles, bonding… all the things that Kindermusik typically provides is still happening. In fact, there are children meeting other children, and at the end of class they tell each other “I love you!”. Also, we want you to remember that in the end, the goal of Kindermusik is for YOU the adults to lovingly engage with your children. Whether in person or virtual, THAT is the goal. So if you need to put your device up high out of sight and let it guide YOU as you interact with your child, that is great. If you want to interact visually with us too that’s great, but not required.
We do ask that you strongly consider us. We are a small local business who needs you so we can keep this amazing program going. Our focus right now is to keep all our teachers in work so that when it’s safe, they can return back to doing what they love in person. Your registration means SO much, and contributes so much to keeping us in business so we can provide loving classes for years to come.
We invite you to try an unlimited week for $15 to see what you think. In addition, a new online Bilingual Birdies unit (Jungle Animals) begins this week if you are interested in Spanish music classes. The Bilingual Birdies route also includes the 12 Kindermusik Virtual+ classes. You may know that we have our private online piano and voice lessons but did you also know that we have adult self care Yoga and Tap classes? New 5 week sessions begin this week!
We are all in this together. We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and make adjustments and changes along the way.
One more thing, we are nominated for Best Music Lessons in the Playground Family Favorite Awards. Could you take a moment to vote here, and click on Grow and Sing Studios on page 4? Let us know when you vote so we can give you a big “thank you!”.
All the very best,
Holly and Will Lesnick
Owners, Grow and Sing Studios
Kindermusik Virtual+ | Bilingual Birdies+ | Online Birthday Parties | Online Voice Lessons | Online Piano Lessons | Online adult beginner tap classes | Online adult yoga | Online Store
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