Category: Kindermusik
My Journey: An article published in the Avalon Park Gazette on the History of Grow and Sing Studios
Ever wonder how Grow and Sing Studios got started? Holly Lesnick was invited to share her career journey, and it’s been published in the latest issue of the Avalon Park Gazette.
Grow and Sing Studios is now on Instagram!
Come follow us on Instagram and “see” what we are up to!
What Kindermusik Offers Your Child.
When young children are consistently engaged by music in an age-appropriate, socially accepting environment, they benefit at many levels including Social-Emotional, Physical, Creative, Quantitative and Early Literacy. And of course, they develop a lifelong love of music.
To Learn more, and schedule a free Kindermusik preview class click here.
Mommy and Me classes to begin in July!
Grow and Sing Studios wins Conductor’s Circle Maestro Award!
We are SO excited to announce that Grow and Sing Studios has been awarded with the Kindermusik Conductor’s Circle Maestro Award for 2013-2014. We are in the top 1% of Kindermusik Programs in the world, and ranked #20 out of over 5000 programs worldwide.
Why Summer of Music?
Because it’s summer and the memories are just waiting to happen….
Our amazing summer of music is almost here. If you haven’t enrolled yet, why wait? Summer is a time to learn, but in a fun, slower paced imaginative way. What better way than through the magic of musical activities that stimulate every area of the brain. Our summer offerings are complete with:
Music and Art Drop Off Camps
Piano Lessons
Baby Kindermusik Classes
Family Kindermusik ClassesArt & Book Time Classes
New Mommy Meetup mommy and me workshops
AND, all enrollments include amazing at home materials to enjoy all summer long (CD’s, instruments and books) along with our fun Saturday free plays at UCF/Oviedo!
Contact us today to find out more, or enroll now!
Music produces feelings of JOY!
It truly is amazing how music affects all areas of development and the brain, and has a direct effect on our feelings. This cutie is one of our very joyful and content Kindermusik kids at Grow and Sing Studios captured this past Spring semester. What better way to spend time together, and help your child feel happy, content and most importantly SAFE! Currently enrolling in HAPPY amazing classes at Grow and Sing Studios in Central Florida. :) Click here to learn all about Kindermusik, and what we have to offer your family this Summer and beyond!
Thank you for a great Spring semester of classes!
Our Spring semester of weekly classes has come to an end. It’s time for our amazing staff to gear up and get ready for all things SUMMER!!! This summer brings a ton of family fun called Zoo Train, along with art classes, baby classes and drop off camps! We are accepting registrations now for Summer classes, along with our our next school year 2013-2014! For September – May, pay only $60 now and you won’t be charged again until.
Click here to view all our summer offerings.
Click here to view our Fall offerings.
Click here to view our playdate schedule.
Benefits of Cuddling
by Holly Lesnick (aka Ms. Holly)
My 8 year old son Aiden and I have a daily morning ritual. Before I’m allowed to even get up and out of bed, my husband cuddles him while carrying him to our room. Aiden crawls on me, and we cuddle and hug for a long time. Before that, I am always groggy, and tired and craving my coffee… but something happens after that hug. It invigorates me, and brings me a sense of happiness and peace. I’ve always had a feeling it does the same for him too.
Well today, I came across a simple article at, on the health benefits of cuddling, and it confirmed what I already knew to be true! Cuddling has many health benefits!
I’ve learned through this article, that cuddling reduces stress and induces oxytocin release. Oxytocin is produced primarily in the hypothalamus and acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain. This article also states that cuddling actually lowers blood pressure, along with improving mood and relationships. Well, no wonder I’m better after my daily morning hug with Aiden, then before it!
In Kindermusik class at Grow and Sing Studios, we have what we call “quiet time”. I dim the lights, grab my guitar, and asked parents to take their child to their own space in the room where they can bond together. I quietly walk around and serenade, leading these quietly bonding families in song. I spend many moments educating parents that relaxation is a learned behavior and that the earlier we learn to relax the better. Well, in addition to this benefit, in every class, families are enjoying the health benefits of cuddling as well.
So try to get in some cuddles today, and get healthy!