Category: Mommy and Me
Is my child uninterested?
We are back in person which has been SO amazing! The connections, the smiles… it’s something we missed so much during our almost 18 months of being only virtual. Being in person with Kindermusik comes with some common questions from parents. These are questions we haven’t answered in a while, so we wanted to revisit this topic and see if we can reassure you that your child is thriving no matter their learning style.

Whether you are in our Kindermusik classes, another parent child class, or even getting back out there with playdates and social opportunities, you may be noticing that your child isn’t instantly jumping right in, or seemingly excited to be there. However, what you see on the surface many not be the entire story.
Children learn in so many different ways. Some learn by listening (auditory), some learn by moving (kinesthetic), and some learn by touch (tactile). Some children, especially in new environments may appear disinterested, when in reality, they might just be processing. Many times parents interpret this passive learning as their children not liking the class, activity, or experience. This might not be the case at all. In fact, when you go home, or when class ends and your child is back in their safe place, they might start showing you all that they learned. It’s quite amazing to see!
The best learning experiences are those that integrate the senses, learning domains, developmental needs, and interests of the child. For example, a great integrated activity might involve singing, language, imagination, listening, creativity, problem solving, and pretend play. This level of integration creates an optimal and meaningful learning environment for each child.
Preparing a safe and secure learning environment is a top priority. When in this type of environment, children are able to access the part of the brain which is responsible for learning and memory. With you by your child’s side, you are creating a safe, loving place to return to at any time. The key is making exploring and socializing an option, but not judging how or when your child may integrate in. Inviting them to join and participate at whatever pace they need without expectation is the best gift you can give as you both return to these kinds of activities.
I hope this eases your mind as you head back to an in-person experience. Wishing you well.

School Year 2021 – 2022 in-person and virtual classes registration is ongoing. We know you’ll find an option that will be the perfect learning experience for your child (or YOU, hint hint, private lessons…). Have questions? Just contact us.
We are currently offering in-person preview class opportunities for our baby, young toddler and toddler music classes as well as a full preview week for our virtual classes. Give Kindermusik a try! In-Person Central Florida Kindermusik classes held in Orlando and Volusia at UCF/Oviedo, Winter Park, Lake Nona, Winter Garden and Port Orange.
Holly Lesnick is owner/director of Grow and Sing Studios, an award winning Kindermusik accredited program. She is a music therapist, and proud mother of two.
We did it!

Note: this is an amazon afilliate link. If you purchase through this link, a bit comes back to help our studio. Thank you!
FAQ: How are you adapting for Covid-19 for In-Person classes?
☀️Coming out of a pandemic (slowly) is unchartered territory for all of us. Here at Grow and Sing Studios, our number one priority is the safety of the children who attend our classes. Our Kindermusik program serves babies through age 7, and since children aren’t able to be vaccinated yet we will continue to take precautions until risk is lower.
👍This picture is a fantastic example of how we are adapting without compromising the fun and learning. In class, each family has their own blanket area. All blankets are spaced out for some distancing. Instead of passing out and collecting instruments throughout class, each family has as bin of sanitized instruments and props ready to go when they arrive that they can use for the duration of class. Everything is then sanitized after class. Parents are required to wear masks in class, and for children it is optional. Parents are encouraged to choose what is best for their child and family.
🔗If you are considering a music and movement class, but are concerned about Covid-19 risks, we hope you’ll review our adaptations and perhaps you’ll find that our studio is the right fit for your family. You can learn more about our Covid-19 strategy at We are here to help in any way we can, and answer your questions. Feel free to contact us at 407-970-2774 (through WhatsAPP at the same number), or email .
Learn more at Celebrating 16 years in Central Florida.
🎵We hope to welcome your family into class soon.
😞Feeling stressed? Let us help!
My biggest challenge yet…
Hi there, I’m Holly, founder, owner and director here at Grow and Sing Studios. 15 years ago, when my son was 6 weeks old, I created my studio which offered a very simple TWO Kindermusik classes per week total. I had previously taught Kindermusik and worked as a music therapist but had been on a break to have my second child.
I began my Kindermusik journey because I yearned for connections with other parents. I discovered Kindermusik through my first passion, music therapy, and it seemed like the obvious fit because Kindermusik is about how music affects a child’s development. I found Kindermusik to be a happy, smiley, positive place, and I wanted to create that for as many families as I could.
Even during the 2008 recession, Grow and Sing Studios thrived. It not only thrived, but won awards. Lots of awards. Through the years, I’ve added various classes, a wonderful staff, birthday parties, piano lessons, voice lessons… frankly, the list is VERY long because not all things I tried stuck.
Yet, throughout it all, the goal was simple.
Though I’m not sure I saw it for a long time. On the surface it was to have a career and support my family. I wanted to be the best I could be in my field. But it was also to make music and inspire my own children. However, it took many years to realize that the ultimate goal was to help inspire laughter, smiles, and connections.
So, I finally figured it out. It’s the constant Kindermusik joy guarantee in a life full of variables.
And boy has 2020 thrown us some major life variables!
I am always trying new things, testing the waters, figuring things out. Due to Covid-19, I’ve had to think WAY outside the box so that the laughter, smiles and connections didn’t stop.
That is where our Kindermusik Virtual program comes in. Back in March, I had NO idea what I was going to do. I had to take a step back, breathe, and remember that the ultimate goal was to create joy through music. Thankfully, we have an incredibly talented and DEVOTED team of teachers who were ready to try anything I put in front of them.
Our Kindermusik Virtual program has been a complete success over the past several months. A community of families from ALL OVER have embraced this new way to learn with their young children. I can’t express enough how heartwarming it is to witness! Friendships are being made between parents, between children, and even closer connections are forming between our teachers.
I’m starting to realize that if you can find a constant that makes you the happiest, you WILL succeed even in the middle of a pandemic. So, I finally figured it out. HAPPINESS is my dream. LAUGHTER is what I long for. CONNECTIONS are what I strive to create each and every day.
Mission accomplished.
So, what’s your story? I’d love to know more about YOU!
May your day bring you much happiness, peace, and many giggles.
Thanks for reading.
Love, Holly
Healthy and happy
A note from your owner/directors, Holly and Will.
We would like to address some questions that are always asked at this time a year (typically cold and flu season) due to the inevitable conversation about coronavirus. Our class guidelines state to not attend class if you or your child is sick. A good guideline to follow is to be fever free for at least 24 hours, and for a nose not to be running with anything other than clear. It is VERY common for babies and toddlers to have runny noses due to teething. It is VERY hard to distinguish that from being sick. If you at all feel that you or your child is under the weather, remain home and schedule a makeup class.
We do feel that Kindermusik is a low risk activity as we keep our classes very small group, and ask that anyone who is sick to stay home and schedule a makeup class which are unlimited.
We wanted to let everyone know our studio wide procedures for attempting to keep our classrooms as sanitized as possible. While it is scientifically impossible to guarantee you that our instruments and props are 100% sanitized (as in anything else you come in contact with), we do our best to minimize sickness. We spray all instruments and props with Seventh Generation constantly, and tumble dry all fabric items in the dryer. As those in our classes know, we keep this product ON HAND at all classes so that we can all make an effort together to help avoid the spread of germs. If a child has mouthed an instrument during class, we ask parents to bring it up to our “sanitation station” when finished and spray it with the Seventh Generation. Also on hand in the classroom are sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, soap/water and tissues. If we all make an effort together, we can try to eliminate spreading sickness to each other. Though again, there is never anything we can do to “guarantee” as in any public setting.
We stand by the most important way to avoid sickness – WASH HANDS!! We suggest that before class begins, and after class ends, you and your child wash hands for at least 20 seconds with SOAP and WATER. We have been using these procedures and guidelines for over 10 years, and they have worked well.
Here are some tips from the CDC:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Always wash hands with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
PLEASE vote for us!
💜💙 Do you love Kindermusik here at Grow and Sing Studios? We are nominated for the PLAYGROUND family favorite awards. Click this link and please vote to keep us as the best Mommy and Me class in Central Florida. 💙💜
This would mean the world to all our Kindermusik educators.
We also are a mobile birthday party service, so if you could write us in for that as well, that would be awesome!
By voting for a minimum of 10 categories in the form below, you will automatically be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card! Five lucky winners will be randomly selected to win the prize and notified via email on Monday, October 1st before 5 p.m.
In addition, as a “thank you” for voting, Playground would like to offer you a FREE one-year subscription to Playground Magazine. To receive this, you just need to include your mailing address in the voting form.
Please vote now!!!! Thank you!!! Let’s do this!!
(Be sure to also vote for our friends at Amaya Papaya, and Walden Community School!)
Thank you so much,
Community partner: Quilty’s Quality Nannies
Thank you Quilty’s Quality Nannies for the wonderful blog post about our studio!! We LOVE our Kindermusik nannies. Did you know that we welcome ALL loving caregivers? Parents of course, but also amazing nannies, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, you name it! SO, if you aren’t able to bring your little one, but have someone that can, we welcome you with open arms!
Oh, and if you need a nanny, check out Olivia’s Quilty’s Quality Nannies, and tell her you learned of her service through Grow and Sing Studios. YAY, we love community partnerships!
We can’t wait to get started with classes next week! Interested to see all that we are offering? Look no further. Well.. maybe ONE click, and it will lead you to all the information you need to get started with our studio. Happy new school year!
To enroll now click here.
Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and has been married to her husband Will for 20 years. Holly is the Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador for the U.S., and always happy to collaborate with brands and businesses she believes in.
It’s your child’s time
Hello Central Florida Families!
Did you know that the study, practice, and discipline of making music gives the brain and body a complete workout? Imagine activities that are designed to encourage multi-sensory learning, which employs and integrates several senses at once, stimulating multiple areas of the brain.
Our program focuses on each CHILD’S BRAIN, BODY, AND HEART.
The benefits of music are truly transformational. When paired with movement and instrument play, it creates neurological magic, lighting up a child’s brain and positively impacting all areas of development.
Here at Grow and Sing Studios, we use the power and joy of music-making to help children learn and grow during the years most critical to brain development. Our research-based curricula and interactive music experiences establish a foundation of early learning that supports sustained growth, confidence, and creativity throughout the life of a child.
What is Kindermusik?
Kindermusik is music-making with a purpose. Science has shown that children of any age learn more when the learning is playful and fun. Kindermusik kids laugh, smile, stomp, play, kick, clap, jump, sing, and dance. But having fun is just the beginning.
Steeped in educational theory, our programs engage the potential found in every child.
In our classes, children newborn through age 7 experience music of varying styles, genres, and cultures. They interact with other peers and engage in movement, rhythm, and vocal activities that develop far more than just music skills. Our approach to early childhood education primes children for success in school and in life.
Each class focuses on all areas of development including:
- Receptive Language
- Whole body movement
- Social-Emotional Development
- Sensory Awareness
- Musical Skills
- Fine Motor Movement
- Expressive Language
- Cognition
Our classes begin in just two weeks! Enroll now. Discover the power and joy of music-based learning by clicking here to view classes and enroll.
For a limited time, new families to our program receive $20 off their first month. So, for one month you receive all the amazing home materials included in class, plus a month of classes for $48. Only days remaining on this offer. Enter NEWFAMILY20 in the additional information field when you register here and we’ll adjust your first payment.
In addition to that all registrants previous and new, are invited to attend a SECOND class each week, FREE. Learn more about our subscriber benefits.
Have you already registered? Great! We can’t wait to see you (and look out soon for your music downloads!). Has your child aged out? That’s okay, we KNOW you know someone who could benefit from this email. We thank you for sharing.
We are ready to help you build a strong foundation for your child for a lifetime love of learning. Let’s go!
Oh by the way! We are giving away free prizes on our live event this Friday. Click GOING right now! Join us at 11am on instagram or facebook, to perhaps win a REMO hand drum, tushbaby carrier (as seen on shark tank) or a FREE MONTH OF CLASSES. See you there!
The Gift of Time
What is something you absolutely love to do? What are you good at? What is your favorite band? Who are your best friends?
Now, imagine how different your path with any of these things would be if you only went by your very first impression. Did you know instantly that you loved to do that thing? Or did you need to try a few times before you realized it was something you liked to do, or were good at. Maybe running, or dancing, or sports. What about your favorite song or band? Did you sing along the first time you heard it?
Think about it. How long does it take you to sing along to a song? I mean ACTUALLY SING ALONG. On first listen, you are most likely processing. Thinking about if you would like to hear it again. The second time, you may be tapping your foot, or humming along. The third time, maybe you are singing along to the chorus. You get the idea. It takes time to process experiences. It takes time to decide if it’s something we want to do again. It takes us time to form relationships, or skills.
As parents, we just want our kids to be happy. We want them to have fun, and feel safe. But the truth is, there’s growth in a bit of the unknown, in the processing.
Time and time again, we witness families with their babies or toddlers in a first time preview of one of our music classes. New experiences are challenging for children and adults. It takes time to process new environments and take it all in. Many times, as young children are easing into their first class, they may be quiet, cry, or even the opposite, it may overexcite them. This is all part of processing and it’s only the first impression. In fact, what we are really talking about here is a parent’s first impression of their child’s first impression.
“She’s never like this at home”. We hear this a lot. As educators, we aren’t surprised. Why? Because Kindermusik is a sensory rich environment filled with sights, sounds, socialization, brain work, team work and the list goes on. It would be surprising to think that a child isn’t processing this new environment. To either clam up quietly as an observer, or to run around wildly as a kinesthetic learner. All of this is part of the first impression. When a parent decides to not enroll based on this first impression, could it be that so much learning and growth opportunities are missed? Imagine an environment that allows for these first impression moments in a non-judgmental way, and allows for a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th impression before making a final decision. Imagine the possibilities.
Consider giving your child the gift of time.
Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and celebrated 20 years of marriage with her husband Will. Holly is the Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador for the U.S., and always happy to collaborate with brands she believes in.
Click here for offer for new families to Grow and Sing Studios.