Category: Music Education
Thank a {music} teacher!
🎵This year has been anything but typical. Teaching isn’t always the easiest job in the world but it’s definitely one of the most rewarding. We, the teachers here at Grow and Sing Studios are so incredibly passionate about educating not only young children but their entire families. Sharing how music affects minds and bodies is what we love to do! We have always known that bringing families together through music is a gift like none other, but this year we learned it can be taught in MANY different ways, through many different mediums.
🎵Our team isn’t the only one that pivoted, and adapted to make the learning happen. Each and every teacher in the world has done that! But we couldn’t let this Teacher Appreciation Week go by without a HUGE shout out to team Grow and Sing for not only making it through this challenging year, but STAYING COMPLETELY TOGETHER AS A TEAM! Our team that we had in 2020 is our same team we have here in 2021. That took passion and teamwork from each and every teacher here at our studio. Now THAT is the definition of perseverance, dedication, teamwork and accomplishment.
Lisa Petko
Angelyn Rhode
Marisol LaBoy
Kristen Bozard
Holly Lesnick
Will Lesnick
Aiden Amato
and a big thank you to Jasmin Vilca for volunteering her time!
🎵As we head into our 16th Summer of Music, we want to send our endless appreciation and gratitude to our Grow and Sing Studios families. Thank you for believing in us! Oh and thank you for your flexibility with our pivots!
~Team Grow and Sing Studios
#ThankATeacher #musicteachers #kindermusik #teacherappreciationday #teacherappreciationday2021 #teacherappreciation
Message from Ms. Holly + Happy Thanksgiving!
Greetings! I want to start by letting you know that practicing gratitude is scientifically proven to increase happiness by 25%. Simply by finding things (even the little things) and stating you are grateful will help you be happy. Not only that, but practicing gratitude also:
I wanted to start this blog post off with that bit of information because Thanksgiving is truly my favorite holiday. Why? Because it reminds us to practice gratitude, which is something we should do each and every day of the year.
It’s been a really rough year. We all know it and we all feel it. However, there are so many blessings, even small ones, that we can feel gratitude for.
Personally, I have had a life filled with a lot of loss. My father passed away when I was four years old of Leukemia. My adopted father passed away when I was in college from a scuba diving accident. It would have been very easy to give up even back then. To NOT have gratitude. To just be sad and dwell on what wasn’t good. I’m not going to pretend that every day was happy. I had some bad ones. BUT, in the journey of losing two very important people in my life, I realized even as a young child and then reminded as a young adult how GRATEFUL I am for the days I got to spend with them. I KNOW that there are SO many people in the world right now working through this same realization. Whether it’s loss of loved ones, friends, or even a job they loved. I send you love and peace as you work towards the gratitude for the time you had.
Throughout this pandemic, which has now been 9 months long and really scary, I’ve had to go back to that space of gratitude. I’ve had to be intentional each day when I wake up. To look around, take in a breath, and be grateful for another day. Another day filled with breathing, music, laughter, children, nature, animals, amazing co-workers, and yes, binge worthy television (whew thank goodness for Netflix!).
If you are reading this, I want to say THANK YOU. If you are reading this, you are somehow tied into the incredible musical community we have created at Grow and Sing Studios, or tied into me personally. It hasn’t been easy keeping our studio going over the last 9 months and it would be SO easy to find the bad things and dwell on that. However, instead, we are currently serving over 100 students between our Kindermusik classes and private lessons and classes. Now that is something to celebrate and be grateful for!!
THANK YOU for believing in us.
THANK YOU for making music with us.
THANK YOU for being in my world.
Happy Thanksgiving!
With gratitude,
Holly Lesnick, Owner/Director
Grow and Sing Studios
😞Feeling stressed? Let us help!
60 classes for $80. Yes, you read that right!
Dear Parents,
As we move through our summer, it is evident that we must continue our online only Kindermusik program so that we can do our part in slowing the spread of Covid-19. The good news is that everyone is having a BLAST! If you joined us for Session A or are currently in our Bilingual Birdies program, we thank you for being part of our Grow and Sing Studios family. If you are already enrolled in our upcoming session B, we can’t wait to see you. We are sending this email out to everyone in the hopes that you will either learn about our upcoming session B and consider signing up, OR share the info with a friend or family member (anywhere because it’s online!). We are SO excited to begin the second half of our summer programming next week, July 20th.
Here’s an overview. Our award winning program is recommended for children newborn through age 7. Summer session B is 5 weeks long. Each week we offer 12 virtual interactive zoom classes and events that you are welcome to attend. Summer B is $80, TOTAL. This fee covers your entire household. So, for $80, you have unlimited access to 60 classes. PLUS you’ll receive digital online resources (music, e-book, activities) to enhance the learning. Just to make sure it’s clear, this program is UNLIMITED. You can attend ALL classes each week if you want to (and some folks do!). We have been told by parents that our virtual enrichment program is making life easier and enhancing their family’s days together during a very difficult time.
I went live yesterday on Facebook and Instagram to further explain how this works, and to unveil our upcoming themed units. So to learn more, click on this youtube video.
If you ever have any questions or need any help signing up, don’t hesitate to touch base with us. Sign up today and you’ll receive a welcome email with login info soon after.
Wishing you health, safety, and beautiful musical moments together,
Holly Lesnick, Director/Owner
Session B online Kindermusik program | Online Bilingual Birdies | Online Birthday Parties | Online Voice Lessons | Online Piano Lessons | Online adult beginner tap classes
P.S. Did you miss our 15th anniversary celebration? It was a sing along celebration like no other. Check it out here, and enjoy!
A message from Ms. Holly
If you are of the opinion that it’s a bit too soon for you and your young baby or child to attend group classes, please keep reading.
Our studio philosophy is to follow a child where he or she is developmentally. A one, two or three year old needs to have the freedom to move around, explore, hug, kiss, pick up things, put objects in their mouth, drop things, hold hands and be free. That is what is developmentally appropriate.
In order for a child to participate in these developmentally appropriate things, a child needs to feel safe. Can a child feel completely safe in a situation where they are being pulled back to their “spot”, wearing a mask, told not to touch things and told to keep distance from their friends? At this point we don’t think so and that isn’t our developmental goal.
To truly meet our goal which is to connect you as a family through the magic of music, we feel this can best be accomplished at home, with our licensed (and very talented) educators leading you the entire way online. Our entire team brings their strengths and talents to you each and every class. We can safely interact with your family without any limitations for your child. We have seen firsthand during our online classes that children are able to learn alongside their parent the things that we strive to teach whether in person or online. Elements such as parental bonding, eye contact, singing, rhythm, dancing, steady beat, exercise, language. All of which can be accomplished at home with full exploration and freedom. At such time that we can feel we can deliver a developmentally appropriate in person experience, we will do so.
SO, we are REALLY EXCITED to start our online UNLIMITED Summer house party. Pick a track for one fee, and attend each and every class and event we offer each week. Those include classes, dance parties, sing-a-longs, puppet shows, themed events, instrument demos and so much more. Come and go as you please, and enjoy connecting through music together. Thank you so much for your time, and we can’t wait to make music with you! Click here to learn more.
FREE Virtual Kindermusik Demo Days
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Here’s our schedule for this week, May 18 – 22, 2020.
Welcome to another week of our Kindermusik virtual online house party. So many fun things in store this week including an age appropriate TAP DANCE class! We plan to continue our Spring house party until May 31st since schools have now closed for the remainder of the year. If you wish to participate, you can enroll here for a pro-rated fee of $50. It’s one flat fee for the rest of our unlimited online May classes. Online Summer enrollment is open as well! We are welcoming new families each and every day from all over! Here is all the information you need to join in this week!
Here’s our schedule for this week, May 11 – 15, 2020.
We plan to continue our Spring house party until May 31st since schools have now closed for the remainder of the year. If you wish to participate, you can enroll here for a pro-rated fee of $50. It’s one flat fee for the rest of our unlimited online May classes. Online Summer enrollment is open as well! We are welcoming new families each and every day from all over! Here is all the information you need to join in this week!
7:00 pm – Lullabies and stories with Ms. Angelyn
Here’s our schedule for this week, May 4 – 8, 2020.
We plan to continue our Spring house party until May 31st since schools have now closed for the remainder of the year. If you wish to participate, you can enroll here for a one time fee of $68. It’s one flat fee for unlimited online May classes. Online Summer enrollment is open as well! We are welcoming new families each and every day from all over! Here is all the information you need to join in this week!
To enroll just visit, scroll to bottom, click on “enrolling” and the form will drop down.
Here’s our schedule for this week, April 27 – May 1, 2020.
To enroll just visit, scroll to bottom, click on “enrolling” and the form will drop down.