Category: new mommy
Grow and Sing Studios presents: Baby Days!
Welcome to our BABY DAYS at Grow and Sing Studios!!
Kindermusik Foundations, for children newborn to walking, incorporates the most current research on early childhood development and provides families a special place for learning and connecting with other parents and babies through music and movement. Our Foundations classes offer a sensory-rich yet caring and gentle environment where babies can explore and react to new sounds, sensations, objects, and movements. Classes include instrument play, scarves, dancing, singing, rocking, massage, exercise, drumming and SO much more!
Have you been meaning to come try out a class, or are you just finding out about our program for the first time? We invite you to come check out one of these classes, have some fun, make some music and hopefully fall in love with the magic of Kindermusik! Reservations are required and space is limited.
Learn about our free newborn offer:
Wonderful Events Coming!
October Demo Days
October is almost here and that means OCTOBER DEMO DAYS at Grow and Sing Studios are coming!! Have you been meaning to come try out a class, or are you just finding out about our program for the first time? We invite you to come check out one of these classes, have some fun, make some music and hopefully fall in love with the magic of Kindermusik! Reservations are required and space is limited. If you do not see a class posted that works for you, we have many more. Just contact us and we can attempt to match you up with one. 407.970.2774
Grow and Sing Studios founder is Mompreneur in Playground Magazine
Check out the article published in Playground Magazine about Founder/Owner of Grow and Sing Studios, Holly Lesnick. Holly was selected as the Mompreneur of their September/October issue.
Click the photo below or here.
Feeling Irma Exhaustion? Let us help.
This week your adventure begins.
You’ll laugh, smile, stomp, play, kick, clap, jump, sing, and dance. Make it a September to remember, together with us, Grow and Sing Studios.
Our program engages the potential found in every child. We excel at setting a strong foundation for a lifetime of learning. Let your family journey begin with Kindermusik.
Schedule a Free Preview Class.
Learn about our Newborn Offer.
Announcing our new location in….
Fall in love with Kindermusik, Enroll Now!
Why these moments mean everything
I first stepped into a Kindermusik classroom as a brand new mom to our daughter Anna. She was three months old, and I was SO nervous! I had no idea what to expect. I had resigned from my job as a Music Therapist and Activity Director in the geriatric population to stay at home with Anna and there was no doubt in my mind music would be a part of our world. The minute I entered that Kindermusik class, my entire world changed. It felt like home. I adored being a Kindermusik parent in class. I was blown away by the child centered approach to learning, the accepting loving environment and the incredible parent education I received. It was one of the most precious times that I now realize go by far to quickly. Considering my degree in Music Therapy, I was quickly convinced to teach Kindermusik and so I became licensed. I loved teaching it. I loved attending it. Thanks to my daughter Anna, who led me there, I found my true passion.
Aiden and I at Kindermusik Fast forward a few years. I was extremely pregnant with our son Aiden when the studio I worked for closed up their business and I lost my Kindermusik teaching job. After Aiden was born, I was such a happy mom of two, but there was something missing. My little man needed to have Kindermusik and I SO craved those moments with him. I knew the incredible developmental benefits it had already had on our daughter, not to mention the many milestones I had witnessed of others in classes I taught. I honestly couldn’t imagine not having the opportunity to enjoy the Kindermusik activities with him. So, in 2005, I selfishly created Grow and Sing Studios for Aiden. I even convinced my dear friend, a music educator whom I met in music school to work with me, so I could attend as a mom! And so, the roller coaster of business ownership, mixed with being Kindermusik mom began.It’s been 15 years since I became licensed and I have loved every moment. My husband Will came on board and Grow and Sing Studios became our family business. Our mission, to connect as many families as we can through the magic of music is our focus. We are blessed with such an incredible team of educators who we consider family. Our children both graduated Kindermusik after attending the entire continuum of classes. Anna is now almost 16 and Aiden is 12! I can’t express how much I cherish the moments I had with them at Kindermusik in their first years. The cuddles, the dances, the precious unplugged, uninterrupted moments. They are what life is about.That is what we want for you. So that when you are in the hustle and bustle of car lines, band rehearsals, and sports practices in 15 or so years, you can look back and remember that fun dance, silly song, or quiet time rocking song you shared with your baby at Kindermusik and cherish them too.See you soon.
Every journey needs a first step
Music ignites all areas of development, so it’s no wonder that our classes are FULL of firsts! Congratulations to our Kindermusik baby Ariel, who took her very first steps in class today. It was a moment, that will become a memory, that will last a lifetime.