
Category: News

A great beginning…

I wanted to share a few pictures that were taken this week as we began our new session. So many magical moments as we all got to know each other and create beautiful rituals that can be used in class and at home!

Enjoying some Family Time At Home Materials!


Village class enjoying some rhythm on our big drum.

Enjoying an Our Time story of “Shiny Dinah”

Have a perfect weekend!

All the best,


Demo Days & Spring Registration

Demo Days

If you and your child(ren) newborn – 7 years old have yet to experience the magic of a Kindermusik class with Grow and Sing Studios, please join us for a Free Demonstration Class and Open House on Thursday, January 10th to learn what it’s all about! We will hold a demo for babies up to 18 months old at 10:30am, and a multi-age demo for children up to 7 years old at 11:15am.  Play instruments, dance, sing songs, scarf play, parachute, huge drum, bubbles and SO much more. Location: 11648 McCulloch Road. Click this link for accurate directions: https://www.growandsing.com/location_kindermusik_orlando.php .

Just contact us to reserve your space!!

“Connecting Families Through the Magic of Music”.

Spring is Coming!

Spring is coming!

Our Spring registration has already begun, and spots are filling quickly. In fact, some classes are now FULL. We are offering a record number of classes this coming session including babysigning, toddler art, family/sibling, evening and weekend, and more! :) We are offering classes in two locations next session, at the CFCK Karate Studio in the Shoppes at Eastwood, and the other at our original location at the UUUS on McCulloch Road! :)

We hope to see you soon!!

To all our Fall session Families….

I can’t express enough how much Rachael, Elizabeth and/or I have enjoyed seeing you all over the last 15 weeks. What an amazing and magical session it has been. I wanted take this opportunity to personally thank all of you for choosing Grow and Sing Studios. I know there are many activity choices out there these days. I hope you have felt the brilliance of the Kindermusik curriculums, and the personal touch that we, the Grow and Sing Studios staff, strive to provide to you each and every week. I wish you all very happy holidays full of love and song. In Kindermusik and at this time of year, we are creating traditions and rituals for our children, that they will cherish forever. We hope to see you next session as we continue to bring new rituals and beautiful music into your home and family. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your family in the Fall. :) Happy Holidays!!
With thanks,  
Holly Lesnick
Director / Owner
Licensed Kindermusik Educator
Please visit our website at:
“Connecting Families Through the Magic of Music”

Holidays have begun…

Hi everyone! Can you believe we are in December? OH MY GOSH!!

We are quickly coming upon the end of our Fall session, and I feel so blessed to be a part of such a magical program fill with amazing teachers, children, parents and caregivers!

I want to wish those that celebrate, a VERY Happy Hanukkah


(The Miracle of Lights)! Have you been singing Hanukkah songs to your little ones? Dreidel song, Chanukkah oh Chanukkah, and of course the candle prayer! Why not use this opportunity to put on some music and do a circle dance!! We have many Israeli dances and songs in our Kindermusik curriculum such as Hava Nagilah, Shalom Haverim, and Tants Tants Yidelich. Let Hanukkah be a time for EVERYONE to sing, dance and celebrate the little miracles that you have in your life, your family! Also having done my research, also want to say, Happy Bodhi Day on Dec. 8th as well. :)

We have been taking in registrations for Spring session each day, and are up to 51 enrollments at this exact moment, which is about 1/3 of our total spaces available! If you have been thinking about joining our program, don’t wait. We limit class size to 12 children and accept on first come first serve basis. Completed forms and payment guarantees your spot!

Everyone have a PERFECT weekend, and we hope to talk with or see you soon!

All the very best,


Spring 2008 – Sneak Preview!

Spring is Coming!

Spring is coming!

Hi everyone,

I can’t believe it’s registration time again!!! I’m currently working on Spring 2008 registration. All the details and calendar will soon be up on the website under the classes page. It takes time because I would hate to make any typos!!

You can get started though!! I just uploaded the Spring 2008 registration form and release form if anyone reading wants to secure their spots(s) early. You can secure your spot(s) before our big email is sent to out! If you would like to view our registration and release form then click here!! You can fax to 407-281-9255, mail to 4133 Stonefield Drive, Orlando, FL 32826, or scan in/email to . If you are enrolled in a Fall class currently, you will receive a re-enrollment gift when you register!

More information coming VERY soon here and on the website!


Ta’s, Tee Tee’s and SHHHH!

I am just amazed at how much the children are learning in Young Child. They are sharpening thier listening skills, which of course is key in learning music, but wow — also VERY important in LIFE as well! They are learning note values in the form of TEE TEE, or TA, or SHHH for rest. Now they are learning to listen as notes go up and down. As they sing, they are visually seeing the music going up and down, along with the rhythms. I’m SO impressed by this curriculum!!!! I captured this picture yesterday of Anna and Benjamin with their rhythm cards. They were mixing and matching to create new rhythms.

Young Child class

Young Child class – Rhythm cards

Miss Elizabeth is doing an amazing job with this class. The kids love her, and they are learning SO much!!!

Have a perfect weekend everyone!


Sign and Sing : Some Questions Answered

Hi everyone!

I am currently accepting enrollments for our next Sign and Sing workshop which begins on Wednesday, November 14th and thought, this would be a PERFECT time and place to address some questions and concerns that parents sometimes have about babysigning in general. I am approaching my 7th time teaching this workshop. At the beginning of my journey with Sign and Sing, I was even a bit skeptical. I wondered if it really works or does it delay a child’s speech? As a parent of two, I didn’t use babysigning with my daughter Anna, who is now 6. She was an early talker, so I didn’t even think it was a topic that pertained to our situation. My son Aiden however, is taking his time talking. He is currently 2 1/2 and even now most people aren’t sure what he is saying. His words aren’t quite clear yet, even though he is talking. Both of my children fall into the “normal” developmental range for the onset of talking. Every baby crawls, talks, walks, etc. in their own time. Over the course of my Sign and Sing journey so far, I have learned that if I had done babysigning with Anna, it would have only helped her speech and giving her an opportunity for long term learning. For Aiden it was AMAZING! I started teaching this course at JUST the right time because I could use Aiden as my “practice baby”. My husband embraced it as well, as did Anna, and our household starting signing. Boy did we eliminate lots of tantrums with Aiden. He was able to tell us when he was “all done”, or if he wanted “more” without crying or yelling. All babies are going to communicate. Before they can talk, the only way for them to express their needs is to cry, yell, tantrum. Well, Signing is a nice, calm and quiet alternative to all of that!!

Sign and Sing Class

Sign and Sing Class

Now to maybe clarify some myths that are out there!

The assumption that babysigning will DELAY speech is a complete myth.

A parent once asked….“so I would think talking to them and encouraging them to speak (reading to them consistently is proven to build language), would be more beneficial to them then encouraging them to sign instead”. Parents with hearing children are NEVER encouraged to sign INSTEAD of speaking. It is SO important to note that. What we do is encourage parents to speak WHILE signing. That is why, in our Sign and Sing class, we sing our songs, while we sign. The children then associate the speech to the signs. By doing this, we are giving them another form of communicating. In no way are we discouraging speaking! All babies need to express their needs. Most babies and toddlers are not able to do this specifically with speech for quite a long time, so their instinctual response is to scream, cry or tantrum. The biggest reason for meltdowns and tantrums in toddlers are simply because the child cannot communicate their needs properly. As Dr. Greene says, “Their ideas far outstrip their language skills. The “terrible twos” are less terrible the more children learn how to get across their intense and conflicting thoughts. Baby signs are a wonderful way to do this. Shaking the head or moving the hand is far easier to learn than the intricate manipulation of the lips, jaw, and tongue necessary for each new word. Large muscle coordination is learned before small muscle coordination – at about the same time kids want to express themselves.” 

The question of “does signing delay speech” is very well explained at : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8060750/.
Also, babysigning is amazing for long term learning. When your child is finally expressing him or herself through speech without much frustration, well… they now know another language. What an amazing thing!
Here is a bit of research on the particular program we offer (Sign and Sing) which was developed by Signing Smart:

Compared to developmental norms, Signing Smart children have enriched language and communication skills:
  • While the average 8 month old will have no spoken words, the average Signing Smart child will have 5 signs and 1 word.
  • While the average 12 month old will have 3-5 spoken words, the average Signing Smart child will have 25 signs and 16 words
  • At 18 months, the average child will have 10-50 spoken words. In contrast, the average Signing Smart child will have 79 signs and 105 words.
  • In addition, a majority of Signing Smart children begin combining signs and words or signs and signs together to form little sentences at 11-14 months. Compare this to non-signers, who do not begin to combine words into short sentences (e.g., “Da-da car”) until 20 months old on average!

These results indicate that ASL signs, used in combination with Signing Smart strategies, facilitate both overall communicative abilities as well as spoken language skills in hearing infants and toddlers.

Signing Daddy

Here are some links to answer even more questions:

We hope to see you in one of our Sign and Sing workshops in the future. Have a perfect day!



Our School Years include 35 active weeks of classes with some scheduled weeks off which are noted below.

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 – 2025
School Year begins – August 12th, 2024
OFF – Thanksgiving week – Nov. 25 – 29, 2024
OFF – Holiday/Winter break – Dec. 16, 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025
School Year Resumes after Winter Break – Jan 6, 2025
OFF – Spring Break – March 17 – 21, 2025
School Year ends – May 16, 2025

Click here to view school year information.




This Summer we are excited to offer a 6 week session of classes. If you are traveling during any of our “on” weeks, we are happy to pro-rate the value of up to 2 classes.
Week 1 – June 2 – 6
Week 2 – June 9 – 13
Week 3 – June 16 – 20
Week 4 – June 23 – 27
Week 5 – July 7 – 11
Week 6 – July – 21 – 25

Click here to view Summer options.