One Week Drop Off Camp for 4 – 8 years oldSession 1 – June 9 – 13, 2014
Theme: Under the Rainbow / Sounds Abound
Session 2 – July 26 – Aug 1, 2014
Theme: Jumping Beans / Dance with Me
9:30am – 12pm daily
Each day of activities will include:
music, art, drama, dance, playground, and snack.
Confetti Days – Music and Art Adventures Classes for all ages! |
Adventures Music & Movement
Confetti Days
Babies – 7 years old
This Summer’s fun curriculum is Confetti Days!
Throw a new party every day. Ride a carousel inside the classroom. Play a balancing game and walk on the web of ropes. Do a musical move and freeze. Learn colors and sing the Spanish song “De Colures,” “Pop, Goes the Weasel,” and “Looby Loo.” Songs and ideas used in this fun curriculum Confetti Days were selected to represent ways that children all around the world celebrate the joy of simply being children!
This class is multi-age. Many folks each summer tend to ask us how this might work with a toddler and 5 year old in the same class for example, and the answer is, it works BEAUTIFULLY. We have been offering this format for almost 10 years now so all children home during summer can participate, and it’s tried and true, and endless amounts of fun! Home materials included: Home CD, digital music downloads, pair of confetti bell instruments, story kit, and a set of 5 picture folders.
Our music and art classes (see right) follow the same theme each week. They are scheduled with the option of registering for a single class, or as a 90 minute weekly art and music parent participation camp experience .
Bring one or more children to any combination!
Click here for more information and to enroll! |
Adventures Art & Book Time
Confetti Days
18 months – 7 years old
Each class you and your child will explore our Confetti Days! theme through stories, song and art! During each class your child, along with your gentle guidance, will create TWO unique art projects which are immediately available to bring home. We believe the magic happens during the art process, so we encourage each project to be unique and something your child can be proud to say they created. All projects are age appropriate, and materials are non-toxic.
Also included each week is a snack and story time all based around the theme of the week! Class fees include tuition, all art materials and a weekly snack.
This is a parent or caregiver/child interactive class.
Babies who attend Confetti Days music class (see left) can watch while older siblings create during art class.
Click here for more information and to enroll!

Music & Movement Class for newborn – 15 months old
This Summer’s fun curriculum: Peek-a-boo, I Love You!
More than just a curious story, Mother Goose games like peekaboo help babies understand language. In this special parent/child interactive camp, uncover more ways to say “I love you” using American Sign Language, soap bubbles, and parent-baby dances. Always included are instrument plays, scarves, parachute, bubbles and SO much more! Plus, parents can meet with other newborns and families in the community and learn how music improves the child development process. In Peek-a-boo, I Love you, inspired by songs and baby games from many countries around the world and the special love between a parent and child, we’ll create our own multicultural celebration of baby’s growth and family love.
Home Materials: Peekaboo, I Love You! board book, Home CD and digital downloads, duck wash mitt, baby duck Gertie ball, and poster.
Click here for more information and to enroll!