
Tag: kindermusik

Music Maestro!

kindermusik maestro recognized for exceptional serviceWe just received the following email from the CEO of Kindermusik International:

Dear Holly:

On behalf of everyone here at Kindermusik International, I want to CONGRATULATE you for being named as a 2008/2009 Mezzanine Level Maestro. As you know, being named a Maestro Producer, Mezzanine Level, means that you are in the top FIVE PERCENT of all Kindermusik Educators. And, in that we have over 5,000 educators across the globe, this is an accomplishment for which you can be extremely proud. Thank you for doing what it takes to ensure the success of your program, as you continue to introduce incredible numbers of families to the Kindermusik experience. Thank you for your vision, for your dedication, and for your goal of reaching every child with the gift of Kindermusik.

Congratulations again on achieving Maestro status. I honor and thank you for all that you do each and every day. Keep in touch!

Best always,
Michael D

This award is something that I have personally be striving for, but wasn’t expecting so soon! Rachael, Elizabeth and I are so honored to share our Kindermusik passion with all our Orlando families!!!

Love, Holly

Personal pictures to share…

Hello Everyone!

Each session a professional photographer captures pictures of all our classes. Kristin Mizo does amazing work, and I just wanted to share the ones I personally picked out from Spring session…

This first one was taken during quiet time in Our Time Class. I attended an Our Time class taught by Rachael, with my son Aiden. This time together was something I will cherish forever.

Aiden Mommy 1

This next one is of Aiden and I exploring the resonator bars together.

This next one is of my 6 year old daughter in her Kindermusik for the Young Child class. This year in Young Child, Anna learned how to play the Glockenspiel!


I also had to share the following pictures that I took. This is of our Young Child class which is for 5 – 7 year olds. I gave them all “I’m a Kindermusik Kid” t-shirts to celebrate completing their first year. Next year, in the second year of Young Child, the children will learn to play the Dulcimer and Recorder.

I hope you enjoyed!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend.

All the best,



Demo Days

If you have yet to experience a Kindermusik class with Grow and Sing Studios, please join us on Friday, March 21st at 10:30am at Misty Forest Enrichment Center for singing, dancing, instruments, colorful scarves, bubbles and more!! This demo is for babies and children up to age 5.

This demo class is for first timers only. It will run 30 minutes.
Contact us to reserve your spot as space is VERY limited.
Phone: 407-970-2774

Tis the season….the cold and flu season!

Dear Families,

I’m writing to you today to address some questions that have come up recently regarding this horrible sick season we are having. As you know, I have asked everyone to not attend class if you or your child is sick. A good guideline to follow is to be fever free for 24 hours, and for a nose not to be running with anything other than clear. It is VERY common for babies and toddlers to have runny noses due to teething. It is VERY hard to distinguish that from being sick. If you at all feel that your baby is under the weather, remain home and schedule a makeup class.

I wanted to let you all know our procedures for attempting to keep our classrooms as sanitized as possible. While it is impossible to guarantee you that our instruments and props are 100% sanitized, we are trying to do our best to minimize sickness. We spray instruments, etc. with Clorox Anywhere, and tumble dry all fabric items in the dryer. After doing much research, Clorox Anywhere seems to be the safest product to use for our purposes. Here is a link to read more about the product:  http://www.clorox.com/products/overview.php?prod_id=ahsds.

NEW PROCEDURE: We have now decided to keep this product ON HAND at all classes so that we can all make an effort together to help avoid the spread of germs. If your child has mouthed an instrument, please bring it up to our table when finished and spray it with the Clorox Anywhere. If we all make an effort together, we can try to eliminate spreading sickness to each other.
Again, by spraying our instruments we are not promising a 100% sanitary environment. We stand by the most important way to avoid sickness – WASH HANDS!! We suggest that before class begins, and after class ends, you and your child wash hands with SOAP and WATER if possible. Here is some information about other “sanitizing” products:
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are one of the more recent tools in home and school medicine arsenals, proven “effective in reducing gastrointestinal illnesses in households, in curbing absentee rates in elementary schools, and in reducing illnesses in university dormitories. An Internet search retrieved recommendations for hand hygiene from schools, daycare centers, outdoor guides, and animal shelters.”  Reynolds SA, Levy F, Walker ES. Hand sanitizer alert [letter]. Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2006 Mar [date cited]. Available from http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/EID/vol12no03/05-0955.htm

For alcohol-based hand sanitizers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends an alcohol concentration of 60 to 95%  of ethanol or isopropanol for the great efficacy in killing germs.  In the study listed above, it was found that some hand sanitizer products purchased from local retail deep-discount stores, advertising the same claims as those found on name-brand products such as Purell, had, in reality, only a 40% ethyl alcohol concentration – much too low to reduce bacterial counts on hands.  In fact, the faulty product seemed to “mobilize the bacteria, spreading them around the hand instead of killing them.” (N.Y.Times: Hand Sanitizers: Good or Bad?  , by Deborah Franklin,  March 21, 2006)

I hope, that by using the Clorox Anywhere, washing hands, and not coming to class sick, we can avoid spreading sickness back and forth. Of course we all know that this just happens, and that no matter what we do, it is still going to occur. All we can do is try our best!
If anyone has ANY questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask. Again, thank you in advance for working with us on making Grow and Sing Studios a healthy environment for all!!! Thank you to all the parents who have challenged me with questions and shared your concerns! :)
All the best,
Holly Lesnick
Director / Owner
Licensed Kindermusik Educator
Registered Music Therapist
Local Representative for the Central FL Partnership of Kindermusik Educators
Please visit our website at:
“Connecting Families Through the Magic of Music”

Growing (and singing) downtown!

Hi everyone!

We have some VERY exciting news! By popular demand, and also due to perfect timing, we will be bringing our Kindermusik classes downtown to the very special Misty Forest Enrichment Center! This will be our 3rd location! This location is in downtown Orlando, on N. Hyer Road, right near Mills and Colonial (50). Three classes will be offered on Fridays, starting on Friday, February 29, 2008. You can learn more about these new classes on our website, specifically our classes page. Here’s the new Friday schedule!

9:30am – 10:15am – Kindermusik Village (Newborn – Age 18 months)
$140 for 10 weeks

10:30am – 11:15am – Kindermusik Family Time for Toddlers – (18 months – 3.5 years old)
11:30am – 12:15am – Kindermusik Family Time for Homeschoolers/Multi-age/Siblings. Bring one child or more to this class! (Newborn – 7 years old)
1 child: $165 for 10 weeks
2 children: $245 for 10 weeks
3 children: $305 for 10 weeks

A Good Beginning Never Ends


Any questions? Email Holly Lesnick at  or call 407-970-2774. See you soon!



Ta’s, Tee Tee’s and SHHHH!

I am just amazed at how much the children are learning in Young Child. They are sharpening thier listening skills, which of course is key in learning music, but wow — also VERY important in LIFE as well! They are learning note values in the form of TEE TEE, or TA, or SHHH for rest. Now they are learning to listen as notes go up and down. As they sing, they are visually seeing the music going up and down, along with the rhythms. I’m SO impressed by this curriculum!!!! I captured this picture yesterday of Anna and Benjamin with their rhythm cards. They were mixing and matching to create new rhythms.

Young Child class

Young Child class – Rhythm cards

Miss Elizabeth is doing an amazing job with this class. The kids love her, and they are learning SO much!!!

Have a perfect weekend everyone!


Sign and Sing : Some Questions Answered

Hi everyone!

I am currently accepting enrollments for our next Sign and Sing workshop which begins on Wednesday, November 14th and thought, this would be a PERFECT time and place to address some questions and concerns that parents sometimes have about babysigning in general. I am approaching my 7th time teaching this workshop. At the beginning of my journey with Sign and Sing, I was even a bit skeptical. I wondered if it really works or does it delay a child’s speech? As a parent of two, I didn’t use babysigning with my daughter Anna, who is now 6. She was an early talker, so I didn’t even think it was a topic that pertained to our situation. My son Aiden however, is taking his time talking. He is currently 2 1/2 and even now most people aren’t sure what he is saying. His words aren’t quite clear yet, even though he is talking. Both of my children fall into the “normal” developmental range for the onset of talking. Every baby crawls, talks, walks, etc. in their own time. Over the course of my Sign and Sing journey so far, I have learned that if I had done babysigning with Anna, it would have only helped her speech and giving her an opportunity for long term learning. For Aiden it was AMAZING! I started teaching this course at JUST the right time because I could use Aiden as my “practice baby”. My husband embraced it as well, as did Anna, and our household starting signing. Boy did we eliminate lots of tantrums with Aiden. He was able to tell us when he was “all done”, or if he wanted “more” without crying or yelling. All babies are going to communicate. Before they can talk, the only way for them to express their needs is to cry, yell, tantrum. Well, Signing is a nice, calm and quiet alternative to all of that!!

Sign and Sing Class

Sign and Sing Class

Now to maybe clarify some myths that are out there!

The assumption that babysigning will DELAY speech is a complete myth.

A parent once asked….“so I would think talking to them and encouraging them to speak (reading to them consistently is proven to build language), would be more beneficial to them then encouraging them to sign instead”. Parents with hearing children are NEVER encouraged to sign INSTEAD of speaking. It is SO important to note that. What we do is encourage parents to speak WHILE signing. That is why, in our Sign and Sing class, we sing our songs, while we sign. The children then associate the speech to the signs. By doing this, we are giving them another form of communicating. In no way are we discouraging speaking! All babies need to express their needs. Most babies and toddlers are not able to do this specifically with speech for quite a long time, so their instinctual response is to scream, cry or tantrum. The biggest reason for meltdowns and tantrums in toddlers are simply because the child cannot communicate their needs properly. As Dr. Greene says, “Their ideas far outstrip their language skills. The “terrible twos” are less terrible the more children learn how to get across their intense and conflicting thoughts. Baby signs are a wonderful way to do this. Shaking the head or moving the hand is far easier to learn than the intricate manipulation of the lips, jaw, and tongue necessary for each new word. Large muscle coordination is learned before small muscle coordination – at about the same time kids want to express themselves.” 

The question of “does signing delay speech” is very well explained at : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8060750/.
Also, babysigning is amazing for long term learning. When your child is finally expressing him or herself through speech without much frustration, well… they now know another language. What an amazing thing!
Here is a bit of research on the particular program we offer (Sign and Sing) which was developed by Signing Smart:

Compared to developmental norms, Signing Smart children have enriched language and communication skills:
  • While the average 8 month old will have no spoken words, the average Signing Smart child will have 5 signs and 1 word.
  • While the average 12 month old will have 3-5 spoken words, the average Signing Smart child will have 25 signs and 16 words
  • At 18 months, the average child will have 10-50 spoken words. In contrast, the average Signing Smart child will have 79 signs and 105 words.
  • In addition, a majority of Signing Smart children begin combining signs and words or signs and signs together to form little sentences at 11-14 months. Compare this to non-signers, who do not begin to combine words into short sentences (e.g., “Da-da car”) until 20 months old on average!

These results indicate that ASL signs, used in combination with Signing Smart strategies, facilitate both overall communicative abilities as well as spoken language skills in hearing infants and toddlers.

Signing Daddy

Here are some links to answer even more questions:

We hope to see you in one of our Sign and Sing workshops in the future. Have a perfect day!

Welcome to our blog!

I would like to welcome you to our new blog. I have created this with the goal of sharing useful information related to our program, Kindermusik, parenting and child development! We plan to post on here when we feel like sharing a magical moment that happened in one of our classes, if we have useful information to share or anything else we can think of!! We hope you enjoy and visit often.

We just returned from an amazing trip to Chicago. We attend the annual Kindermusik Convention. Kindermusik is now offered in 66 countries around the world with over 5000 educators. We feel so lucky to be a part of such an amazing network of educators.

Thanks for reading. Come back often.

Holly Lesnick

Grow and Sing Studios in Orlando, FL



Our School Years include 35 active weeks of classes with some scheduled weeks off which are noted below.

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 – 2025
School Year begins – August 12th, 2024
OFF – Thanksgiving week – Nov. 25 – 29, 2024
OFF – Holiday/Winter break – Dec. 16, 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025
School Year Resumes after Winter Break – Jan 6, 2025
OFF – Spring Break – March 17 – 21, 2025
School Year ends – May 16, 2025

Click here to view school year information.




This Summer we are excited to offer a 6 week session of classes. If you are traveling during any of our “on” weeks, we are happy to pro-rate the value of up to 2 classes.
Week 1 – June 2 – 6
Week 2 – June 9 – 13
Week 3 – June 16 – 20
Week 4 – June 23 – 27
Week 5 – July 7 – 11
Week 6 – July – 21 – 25

Click here to view Summer options.