
Tag: orlando kindermusik

Summer Camp & Classes Registration is OPEN!

Summer Camps and Classes 2015
We are proud to announce our Summer 201program offerings. This summer we are offering 2 weeks of DROP OFF camp for 4 – 8 years old, along with our 5 weeks of weekly classes for babies through age 7. Included with enrollment are 5 Saturday free plays for the entire family. This is our 11th Summer and we can’t WAIT to see everyone!

If you aren’t able to attend all 5 weeks this summer due to travel or other commitments, let us know at the time of registration and we will pro-rate your tuition. Tuition will NOT be pro-rated or refunded once we receive your registration.

We are currently enjoying our Spring 2015 session which runs through mid-May and are happily accepting registrations in classes that are not yet full and pro-rating for the weeks remaining, so come join the fun! All Summer information is below. Please don’t hesitate tocontact us with any questions!

This Summer….

Our Drop Off Camps

One Week Drop Off Camp for 4 – 8 years old
Session 1 – June 8 – 12, 2015

Theme: Splash! / Make Believe

Session 2 – July 27 – 31, 2015

Theme: Wild-Animal-Park / Out & About
9:30am – 12pm daily
Each day of activities will include:
music, art, drama, dance, playground, and snack.

Price includes: tuition for entire week, all art supplies, home CD’s, instrument, 2 take home magazines, daily snack and 5 Saturday free plays!

   Click here for more information and to enroll.

On The Road –  Music and Art  Adventures Classes for all ages!
Adventures Music & Movement
On The Road
Babies – 7 years old
This Summer’s fun curriculum is On The Road!
Re-live your childhood, with your child. Every song is likely to revive a memory from your summers’ past. Take imaginary trips in a bus named “Van Go” to fun-filled vacation destinations such as the carnival, a summer cottage, and the beach. Each week is a different destination!
This class is multi-age. Many folks each summer tend to ask us how this might work with a toddler and 5 year old in the same class for example, and the answer is, it works BEAUTIFULLY. We have been offering this format for almost 11 years now so all children home during summer can participate, and it’s tried and true, and endless amounts of fun!  Home materials included: On the Road book, Home CD, frog guiro instrument, and poster.


Our music and art classes (see right) follow the same theme each week. They are scheduled with the option of registering for a single class, or as a 90 minute weekly art and music parent participation camp experience .
Bring one or more children to any combination! 

Click here for more information and to enroll!

Adventures Art & Book Time
On The Road
18 months – 7 years old

Each class you and your child will explore our On The Road theme through stories, song and art! During each class your child, along with your gentle guidance, will create TWO unique art projects which are immediately available to bring home. We believe the magic happens during the art process, so we encourage each project to be unique and something your child can be proud to say they created. All projects are age appropriate, and materials are non-toxic.

Also included each week is a snack and story time all based around the theme of the week! Class fees include tuition, all art materials and a weekly snack. This is a parent or caregiver/child interactive class.

Babies who attend On The Road music class (see left) can watch while older siblings create during art class.  

Click here for more information and to enroll!

For the Babies Only

 Music & Movement Class for newborn – 15 months old


This Summer’s fun curriculum: Oh, What Busy Days.
Set your baby’s day to classical music. With a little more Tchaikovsky in your “Twinkle, Twinkle” repertoire discover new ways baby benefits from the classics as you develop an appreciation for the world’s most respected music. Each lesson features new activities and songs that the parent can sing for all the places baby and mom go together-the store, the playground, the doctor, and more.
Home Materials: Busy Day board book, Home CD, Village cage bell instrument, and poster.


   Click here for more information and to enroll!

Kindermusik Playdates
Grow and Sing Studios Kindermusik Playdates are a one-day class for parents and kids on the go! You get the same Kindermusik fun and learning as in the classroom but a one-day class is just that much easier to schedule and attend for some. It’s also a GREAT opportunity to see what Kindermusik is all about prior to enrolling in a full session. Kindermusik playdates are recommended for babies up to 7 years old. They are multi-age classes, and parent interactive! Materials are included as well.

Playdates are ongoing, and will be offered through the summer too(summer dates to be added soon)

   Click here to view the playdate schedule and enrollment information 

Piano and Voice Lessons (East Orlando)

Piano Lessons with Mr. Will
Voice Lessons with Ms. Holly

Always enrolling! Summer is a great time to try out lessons and see if piano or singing is something your child would like to persue! Our studio is growing and flourishing, and we would love to have your family join in the fun. Lessons are weekly, and we do 2 recitals per year. Our home studio is located in East Orlando near UCF. 
Suggested age is 6 and up!

We do provide adult lessons as well!

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Our photo booth brings laughter and fun!

Our Fun Box Photobooth is up and running and while we knew it would be tons of fun, there is one thing we didn’t anticipate…. THE LAUGHTER! As a person who until now has only experienced a photo booth as a guest taking my own pictures with loved ones, it surprised me that I’m gaining just as much joy out of being on the outside working the prop table because I get to hear how HAPPY it makes everyone inside. It’s true. The laughter is truly infectious. As a musician, music therapist and founder of Grow and Sing Studios my mission has always been to “connect families through the magic of music”, but the truth is, this is just a natural extension because we are connecting PEOPLE through the magic of memories. We hope you will consider our photo booth for an upcoming event in your life. Here are some of the memories captured so far in our FunBox Photobooth! — Holly Lesnick, Director/Owner of Grow and Sing Studios.








































Photo Booth service in Orlando Florida for birthdays, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Weddings, Corporate events, celebrations, anniversaries, and any gathering where you would like memories captured and laughter guaranteed.
To find out more, secure a date, or book your event call us at 407.928.6092 or email

www.funboxphotos.com by
Celebrating 10 Years of Connections

Winter/Spring at Grow and Sing! Enroll today!

Our 10th year has been HUGE and it just keeps getting better!
With Kindermusik, Piano and Voice Lessons, our FunBox Photo Booth Service, Award Winning Parties and an Etsy Store
the connections are endless!
Classes begin January 19th.
Classes filling fast, Enroll Today! 

Weeks 1 – 8: Research shows the more you expose your baby to nursery rhymes and songs, the stronger those emerging language-learning skills will be. That’s why these Mother Goose-like stories and rhymes are the main theme of this class.

Weeks 9 – 15: This class will help you bring more rhythm and routine to your baby’s day, as well as help develop lasting learning skills. Bring these stress-free play and relaxation techniques from class, and incorporate them into your daily routines.

Our Time
We’ll meet many animal characters in our books, activities, and songs-each specifically chosen for a toddler’s emerging interests and physical skills. We can’t wait to introduce ROVER! With a special stringed instrument emphasis in the music from class, parents can bring home the violin, cello, and orchestra sounds to help their toddlers stay happy and engaged learners at home, too.
Imagine That
In this unit, sidewalks, elevators, skyscrapers, and world-traveling photographers are the theme. We’ll be rhythmically busy playing storytelling games and handcrafting city “buildings” so we can make a cityscape in class! With a pair of resonator bars as a featured instrument, and a multicultural, jazzy collection of music, preschoolers will develop the social and intellectual skills they’ll need in school.
Young Child
While learning to sing a melody, and then play the pattern on the glockenspiel, we’ll delve deeper into the understanding of musical concepts such as piano and forte through orchestra-style music such as the William Tell Overture and Peter and the Wolf. Music appreciation and understanding continues with a complete introduction to the instruments-and the families in which they’re grouped-of the orchestra.
Family Time
Session A (1st 5 weeks) –
Home Sweet Home
Session B (2nd 5 weeks) –
Silly All Over
Session C (3rd 5 weeks) – Around the Farm
Your child learns best in the comfortable surroundings and everyday activities of home. So we’ll use this nurturing theme to turn our classroom into a pretend house!
Grow and Sing Studios
Art & Book Time
Ms. Holly’s monthly art and book time class will enjoy many spring themes including Valentines, Rainbows, Butterflies, and even BUGS!


 Music for Aardvarkswith Mr. Richard
Get ready for more fun with Mr. Richard! These informal, spirited classes incorporate sing-a-longs, free-form dance breaks, and instrumental jam sessions. It’s an interactive musical party that the whole family can genuinely get excited about!!
See you soon, and Happy New Year!

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Register NOW for classes!

Register Now
for the 2014 – 2015 school year.
“Connecting Families through the
Magic of Music”
Our School Year Studio Classes….
Stay Connected
Preview Free
Newborns Free
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The Soundtrack For Any Season!

Every stage, or “season,” of early childhood has its triumphs and its challenges.  At Kindermusik, we believe that music and movement should be a huge part of both the celebrations and the everyday moments of each stage of childhood.

That’s why Kindermusik classes are not just filled with happy music and delightful activities for kids, but are also full of practical tips and musical helps for parents.  And it all comes packaged in such a way as to also give you invaluable insights into the way your child will grow and develop into the special individual he/she is meant to be.


music is perfect for reaching every child in each season of life

The Power of Music

A wonderful musical fact which reminds us why #Kindermusik is a good beginning that never ends!

songs facilitate emotional bonding and even physical interactions such as marching or dancing together and thus may help cement ties that underlie the formation of human societies. In addition, tunes may work to our benefit on an individual level, manipulating mood and even human physiology more effectively than words can.

Spring into Kindermusik – themes and enrollment information!



classes begin soon in over 10 locationsLook what’s coming in January!

Below is a sneak peak at our Spring themes and curriculum. Sign up today!
Classes begin week of January 20th. We are currently accepting registrations, and sign ups for free preview classes. Kindermusik Playdates begin this week!

Kindermusik Village for Babies
Newborns up to 18 months
Babies under 5 months are free! Click here for info.
Weeks 1 – 8: Cock-a-doodle-Moo! – Hop on the hayride-it’s time to head for the farm!Weeks 9 – 15: DewDrops – In this class, parents and babies will play and move together to songs about flowers.You’ll also hear traditional Irish music, dance a jig and move to the “Irish Trot.”

Kindermusik Our Time for Toddlers
18 months – 3 1/2 years old
Hop on the train, get in the car, board the plane, and Away We Go! This class focuses on transportation, a favorite topic for toddlers who are on the go, go, go! Sing and play along with favorite songs, such as “I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad” and “Wheels on the Bus”. to name a few!

Kindermusik Imagine That for Preschoolers

3 – 5 years old
Think of it like taking a course inside a child’s imagination. We’ll use the theme of a toy shop to make our pretend-creations, using rhythm and songs with every imaginary saw, hammer, and nail. The result is building the preschooler’s sense of a sequence of events, which is good for storytelling, as well as making his ideas a reality.

Kindermusik for the Young Child –
Semester 1

5 – 7 years old
Using a small-group approach to music education, Kindermusik for the Young Child provides a pressure-free class where your child can develop a strong musical foundation by learning the concepts, language, notation, and vocabulary of music and its greatest composers. Everything your child learns later in semesters 2, 3, and 4 begins with this early introduction to singing, reading, and writing music and rhythm. Through dances and games that focus on rhythmic development, we’ll learn a keyboard instrument-the glockenspiel!

Kindermusik Family Time for families, siblings and multi-ages

Babies through 7 years old
Session A (1st 5 weeks) – Animals-a-dancing
Session B (2nd 5 weeks) – Family and Friends
Session C (3rd 5 weeks) – How do you feel?
Dancing, hopping, rolling, and stomping. In session A, we’ll move like all of our animal friends and develop muscle coordination and spatial awareness along the way.

Music for Aardvarks with Mr. Richard for families, siblings and multi-ages
Babies through 7 years old
 Get ready for more fun with Mr. Richard! These informal, spirited classes incorporate sing-a-longs, free-form dance breaks, and instrumental jam sessions. It’s an interactive musical party that the whole family can genuinely get excited about!!

Grow and Sing Studios Art & Book Time

2 – 7 years old
Each class you and your child will explore a different theme through stories, song and art! During each class your child, along with your gentle guidance, will create TWO unique art projects which are immediately available to bring home. Ms. Holly’s monthly art and book time class will enjoy many spring themes including Valentines, Rainbows, Butterflies, and even BUGS!

Kindermusik Playdates – one time events for multi-ages

Babies – 7 years old
Our playdate schedule is ever changing and playdates are constantly added. Each month of playdates offers a different theme and focus.Coming in January – THE DRUM CIRCLE!Kindermusik Playdates are a one time 45 minute class for parents and kids on the go!

Piano Lessons with Mr. Will
Winter Recital 2013
The Simply Music Method that we offer is designed to maximize the likelihood of students acquiring and retaining music as a lifelong companion. Mr. Will has spots available though they are filling fast. He is happy to offer a free trial lesson. All lessons are in East Orlando.

See you soon, and happy new year!
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Happy Holidays from Grow and Sing Studios Kindermusik and Piano Lessons


Happy Holidays from the Team at Grow and Sing Studios!
Thank you for making music with us this year at Kindermusik, Piano Lessons, Parties, Playdates and Music for Aardvarks.
Here’s to a great 2014!

thank you for making music with us this year

Thank you for a great Fall session, Classes resume January 20th, 2014 at Grow and Sing Studios!


Fall classes at grow and sing studios have now concluded. weekly classes resume th eweek of january 20th. thank you for a great fall session. happy holidays.

‘Tis the Season…… the cold and flu season.

A note from your owner/directors, Holly and Will.

We would like to address some questions that are always asked at this time a year, regarding the inevitable cold and flu season. Our class guidelines state to not attend class if you or your child is sick. A good guideline to follow is to be fever free for 24 hours, and for a nose not to be running with anything other than clear. It is VERY common for babies and toddlers to have runny noses due to teething. It is VERY hard to distinguish that from being sick. If you at all feel that your child is under the weather, remain home and schedule a makeup class by emailing .

We wanted to let everyone know our studio wide procedures for attempting to keep our classrooms as sanitized as possible. While it is impossible to guarantee you that our instruments and props are 100% sanitized, we do our best to minimize sickness. We spray instruments, etc. with Clorox Anywhere, and tumble dry all fabric items in the dryer. After doing much research, Clorox Anywhere seems to be the safest product to use for our purposes. Here is a link to read more about the product. 

As those in our classes know, we keep this product ON HAND at all classes so that we can all make an effort together to help avoid the spread of germs. If your child has mouthed an instrument during class, please bring it up to our  “sanitation station” (or as Mr. Richard likes to call it the “spit station”),  when finished and spray it with the Clorox Anywhere. If we all make an effort together, we can try to eliminate spreading sickness to each other. Though again, there is never anything we can do to “guarantee” as in any public setting. 

Again, by spraying our instruments we are not promising a 100% sanitary environment. We stand by the most important way to avoid sickness – WASH HANDS!! We suggest that before class begins, and after class ends, you and your child wash hands with SOAP and WATER if possible.  We try to have some antibacterial gel available as well. We have been using these procedures and guidelines for over 6 years, and they have worked well.

Here is some information about sanitizers.

For alcohol-based hand sanitizers, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends an alcohol concentration of 60 to 95%  of ethanol or isopropanol for the great efficacy in killing germs.  In the study listed above, it was found that some hand sanitizer products purchased from local retail deep-discount stores, advertising the same claims as those found on name-brand products such as Purell, had, in reality, only a 40% ethyl alcohol concentration – much too low to reduce bacterial counts on hands.  In fact, the faulty product seemed to “mobilize the bacteria, spreading them around the hand instead of killing them.” (N.Y.Times: Hand Sanitizers: Good or Bad?  , by Deborah Franklin,  March 21, 2006)

We hope, that by using the Clorox Anywhere, washing hands, and not coming to class sick, we can avoid spreading sickness back and forth. Of course we all know that this just happens, and that no matter what we do, it is still going to occur. All we can do is try our best!

If anyone has ANY questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask. Again, thank you in advance for working with us on making Grow and Sing Studios a healthy environment for all!!!



Our School Years include 35 active weeks of classes with some scheduled weeks off which are noted below.

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 – 2025
School Year begins – August 12th, 2024
OFF – Thanksgiving week – Nov. 25 – 29, 2024
OFF – Holiday/Winter break – Dec. 16, 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025
School Year Resumes after Winter Break – Jan 6, 2025
OFF – Spring Break – March 17 – 21, 2025
School Year ends – May 16, 2025

Click here to view school year information.




This Summer we are excited to offer a 6 week session of classes. If you are traveling during any of our “on” weeks, we are happy to pro-rate the value of up to 2 classes.
Week 1 – June 2 – 6
Week 2 – June 9 – 13
Week 3 – June 16 – 20
Week 4 – June 23 – 27
Week 5 – July 7 – 11
Week 6 – July – 21 – 25

Click here to view Summer options.